Hi! My name is Raquela and I have been beading for over two decades. I can’t believe it’s been that long!
I started beading when I was a teenager in the Pacific Northwest. I even worked at a local bead shop at one point, where I was exposed to a wonderful variety of techniques from bead stranding, polymer clay cane making, to macrame. Brick and peyote stitch have become my all-time favorite forms of beadwork. There’s just something fantastic about working with all those tiny little glass beads! The possibilities are endless.
I have successfully sold my work at local craft fairs on both sides of the country, with my beaded Santa earrings being a popular—and personal—favorite.
I am also a blogger (visit the parent site of The Shoppe here), web designer, crocheter/knitter, and an internationally recognized professional fractal artist.
You can find my digital artwork for sale on deviantArt and Zazzle.
When I’m not busy doing five different arts and crafts projects at once, I’m busy taking care of my two growing sons, hubby, and three cats where I live in small town Iowa.
Thanks for stopping by!